Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/23 run

Back to some speed work. Today we did a min on and a min off on the way out to steve's truck...then came back at tempo pace. My goal was to go about 75% as to not push it too hard on my leg/knee. I felt fine on the warm-up and the on/offs were not too bad. It took me 21:57 to make it out to the turn-around. I kept finding that I was pushing it too hard, then I'd ease up until it didn't hurt...and as soon as it'd feel good I'd push it again. Finally, I just realized I needed to swallow my pride and take it easy. I was pretty conservative on the way back. I kept a pretty steady pace because I knew accelerating below 7 min miles would not be smart. I made it back in 20:26. My leg is kind of tight...but that's kind of what I expected. I really need to learn that it isn't worth it to push it on a Tues/Thur workout if that means I won't be able to run the next few days. I need to be more disciplined and listen to my body. After talking to Steve during office hours I have a better understanding how important my medium long runs and long runs are going to be from now until the marathon. I need to back off on Tues/Thur so I can get the most out of the other workouts....

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