Monday, October 13, 2008

10/13 recovery run

This is the run I should've done yesterday...but didn't find the time to do. I did an easy five. My stomach felt like crap, but my legs weren't too bad. They were a little stiff to start, as I was expecting. I am still feeling pretty positive and I'm looking forward to the remaining weeks of training before the marathon. Track work tomorrow...yesss. Steve made one comment in office hours today about how I should've run track in hs/college. I never did because I was always playing softball and aau basketball. In high school, I just ran the 1600m and 3200m because we didn't have anyone else to run them. I didn't train all season, and just ran the races in districts and regionals. Obviously, I wasn't in shape for I really never knew if I had any potential. In college, we had a decent distance team and I was really focused on softball so I didn't even consider track. Of course, looking back, we often have questions about how things would've been if we'd made different choices. I really wonder what kind of track athlete I would have made. I guess I won't know...but I do know I had a lot of fun playing softball and made some really great friends and memories. I remember my senior year of high school the track/xc coach from Sam Houston called the house to offer me a full ride...I didn't even want to talk to him because all I wanted to do was play basketball in college. Then, as it turned out...I played bball for half of my collegiate carreer and ending up way more focused on softball...obviously I had some trouble making up my mind :) But who knows...maybe I wouldn't enjoy running as much as I do know if I had completely focused on it all through out college. I guess I've missed my opportunity to see what kind of track athlete I could have been, but I definitely don't want to miss the opportunity to see what kind of marathon runner I can be....

1 comment:

Julia said...

Hey speedy! I didn't run in school either...or in my youth at all...all I did was ride horses. But who knows, maybe I will grab on to the Senior Olympics!! Never too late ya know! Good Karma for your marathon!!!!!