The main point of the run today was to wear my racing shorts for the first time. I'm not going to lie, they're definitely not my favorite shorts...but oh well. My favorite shorts are old mesh-like cross country shorts that I got from Trinity. I'd like to wear them this weekend...but I'm not sure the maroon would go too well with the rogue top. My legs felt fine today and I tried to ingore any phantom pain I may have in my back :) I am really ready to get this marathon checked off of my list. I want to run well, and fast...but more than that I want to start the new training cycle and improve on the things I know I lacked this last time around. I know I'll need to be consistent with weights, core, yoga, etc...all things that I completely let go about 2 months ago. Life is hectic...but in the next two weeks, hopefully some of the craziness will die down.
pluses: no Bible study tonight so i have time to pack up my room
minuses: shorts suck
When God Made the World
5 years ago
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